Liette Gilbert

Contact Me

Room 139D

Tel. (416) 736-2100
ext. 40055

Fax: 416-736-5679

Liette Gilbert
Hi, I'm Liette!

Here I can write a little something about me and what I've done. My qualifications, previous publications (in general detail)... hell, I could put something about my Husky that I think is remarkable in some way if I want to.

The point is, this section, to the right of a faculty photo, can be used to give a general overview of yourself, your work, or your classes. Since e-mail is important, you may want to add your e-mail here in case people miss the contact information on the left side of the site, such as "You can e-mail me at"

Down here you can put more up to date information, including stuff that is due tomorrow and your students are just checking the website now. Instructions, updates... hey, maybe you just want to ramble endlessly about what your cat did. I'm not going to judge you, I'm just the web designer. The reason you should be putting more updatable information BELOW your photo, is because technically, for the sake of design, everything beside your photo is a different table. So you can combine them, but keep in mind you'll have to edit different places.

Copyright © 2008 Phil Orr / York University