JN Adam Tuberculosis Sanatorium

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Hiking in Hicksville

"Are you the ones with the green Impala from Ontario?" they asked. I confirmed their suspicion.

"Why were you at JN Adam?"

"What's JN Adam?" I replied. Smooth, eh? Note how in none of my answers do I actually lie to the police despite never really disclosing that we went into the buildings.

"The place where you parked your car."

"Oh!" I said, suddenly aware of what they were referring to. At this point I also started choking on a fry. That must have seemed a little suspicious. As did my constant shaking. I don't deal well with authority.

"We were hiking." I said. We WERE hiking...

"Where are you staying?"

"With a friend in Buffalo."

"Why would you come down here to go hiking?"

"Well there aren't many forests in Buffalo." I realized this sounded a little smart-assy. I regretted the comment.

"But why here?" the cop asked

I quickly tried to think of a reason. I couldn't think of a good one. "Well, there's Lake Erie to the west, Lake Ontario to the north, there's only so many directions you can go..."

"You were trespassing. A state park would have been a better place to go."

"Oh" we said. We apologized and agreed with his statement. Though, after a little research, I found the forests around JN Adams is actually one of the best places around the state to hike, and it even has a few hiking trails.

"Security saw one of you pop your head out of the forest and then when you saw him, go back in. Why would you do that?"

This question was a good one. Why would we do that? Time for a bit of a confession. They must have known where our car was parked if they found us based on having a green Impala with Ontario plates. "Well, we knew where we parked we were trespassing, and the guard was blocking our car in, so we didn't want him to see us. We just figured it'd be better to park there than on the road so as not to disturb traffic. Since the houses looked abandoned we just assumed no one would care."

It's not a great answer, but it's an answer. You can't hope for perfection when put on the spot. They then asked what we had in our trunk.

"Cameras, bags... I think I've got some lawn chairs in there..." I said, just trying to think of anything that was in there. "A football..." hey. They're Americans. They love football, right? That oughtta get me some sympathy!

They said that some people were trying to steal things from the buildings, and would we mind if they took a look in our trunk.

Now this is a good time to point out the ethics I described on the main page aren't just good to preserve the locations, but excellent for situations like this. Taking things can lead to simple trespassing becoming a criminal act very quickly. Now, I wasn't completely familiar with US law, but I was pretty sure, and later confirmed, that they couldn't have done anything to us. Legally, anyway. Despite the officer telling me "You know, we're supposed to arrest you." ...they're not. When trespassing, you have to be caught in the act or in persuit of the act, not 4 miles away in a different town in the parking lot of a Burger King. Additionally, I had every right to say "No" when they asked to look in my trunk, but with nothing there, figured this would speed things up a little. In Canada, I probably would have said no, just to preserve my rights, but... when I'm in another country I planned on treading lightly. I went out with the officers to my car and opened the trunk. They took a quick look, found nothing, and thanked me for my time and left, after trying to pin something else on me. "Is there anything in this trunk you don't want us to see? Drugs?" They asked. I responded "I'm not going to pretend that I've never done any in my life, but I'm not dumb enough to cross the border into your country with them..." "Good enough for me" they replied.I don't really think they believed my hastily crafted, hands shaking, choking-on-a-fry story, but since they realized we didn't take anything, I don't think they really cared.

Good thing we didn't steal the oculus. It's not something you can pass off as bringing into the country with you as it's strapped to the roof of your car.

"Freakin' police." I said as we finished our meal. Skold and Boffo agreed. NWA had a good point. And despite their police hating, ganster attitudes, I'm sure Dre wouldn't smash the oculus either. He's cool like that.


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